Privacy policy.

From 29th May 2018 a new Privacy Policy comes into place from the General Data protection Regulations (GDPR).

1. Who Am I - PT Ruprai is a qualified Level 3 (REPs) Personal Trainer.

2. Personal Data - All data is held by PT Ruprai. Through sign up and workout tracking, you are asked many personal details, e.g. name, address, date of birth, phone number, health information, medication and other issues. You are asked to sign a consent form and terms and conditions before any training is undertaken. Any information from websites, texts, email, telephone, verbal conversations and written information, are detailed in your notes. This information is used towards your ongoing training to give the best results. Access to your records can be requested verbally or in writing. PT Ruprai has a month to comply and has the right to refuse a request or charge if in excess.

3. Legitimate Interests - To treat all clients, children or adults, with all types of requirements equally and respectfully, and to do everything within my professional ability to provide the best professional training possible. To listen and understand the individual and explain every aspect of a consultation(s) or training session(s) and risks if appropriate to make sure the clients and I are in an agreement.

4. Security - Data is not sold on and is held in the United Kingdom and is not sold outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It is held securely and clients’ data is held for eight to thirty-five years. Cookies are used on the website to analyse and track performance.

5. Marketing Purposes - You are asked for your written or verbal consent for your details to be used for promotions, newsletters (from which you can unsubscribe), leaflets, website, posters, referrals, Facebook, testimonials.

6. Third Party - Data is not shared with third parties unless you have consented to this in writing or verbally.

7. Individual Right - To be informed of what is recorded, e.g. your details as described above; to access your records free of charge within a reasonable time; to rectify any errors in your data; to be forgotten, e.g. erasure of any medical information; to restrict any processing, e.g. if there is a legal matter; to withdraw consent verbally or in writing; to object, e.g. not participate in marketing, statistics processing etc.

8. Consent - The client, adult or child, should be initially capable of making their own decisions regarding the purpose, nature and risks of exercise and training. If they are incapable of giving consent due to illness or mental incapacity, then a guardian, parent, carer, chaperone or health professional can give verbal or written consent which is recorded in their notes. Amandeep Ruprai can refuse to train any person if it is deemed unsafe and can refer to another professional.